UniCultural Zones (UCZs)

8 Oct



One of the Main Aims of the Cultural Resilience Movement is the establishment of UniCultural Zones (UCZS) within which buildings and open spaces can only be used for the practice and observance of faiths that were an established presence prior to 1530 A.D.. But what else will mark a UCZ out as culturally unique. As all of England’s Major cities have now surrendered to the tyranny of Multiculturalism, it is anticipated that UCZS will initially be established in our villages, towns, and smaller cities.

Foreign owned corporations will not be permitted to set up businesses within a UCZs instead smaller and traditional local businesses will be favoured and encouraged.

Activities in public spaces will feature healthy English cultural pursuits.


Fun days filled with sports for all will bolster the communities health and spirit.

A variety of modern and traditional English cultural events will take place regularly.

Markets and Fairs will give people the opportunity to purchase fresh healthy local produce, as well as locally made traditional and modern arts and crafts.

Traditional contests will provide entertainment and a chance for local people to demonstrate their skills.

Community Vegetable Growing projects will help everyone to feel that they are investing in their own health and the wellbeing of people for today and in the future.


Public open spaces will redesigned and built that give everyone in the community a chance to enjoy the benefits of fresh air and exercise. Wether its a gentle stroll through beautifully designed and maintained ornamental parks,

safe play areas to keep children happy and active,



or, outdoor gymnasiums that don’t require memberships, for everyone who wants to feel healthy, without the need to watch themselves in full length spotting mirrors.


Outdoor spaces in will be open, maintained & supervised on a twenty four hour basis, providing safe, clean, and attractive open places for everyone. Parks gardens and woodlands will not be allowed to become the dirty, dangerous, and run down urban cesspits found in multicultural ghettos.


That covers the outdoor activities that members of a healthy, well adjusted UniCultural Zone community can regularly enjoy, but what about indoor pursuits of the mind and body?

Libraries are one of the highest concepts a civilised society can aspire to and in UCZs there will be a modern, well stocked library for adults and children. All traditional and cutting edge learning resources will be freely and readily available to all. Library Committees will operate by consent of local people and will decide which materials will best serve the education and cultural needs of the community they serve. The government approved, national library policy will no longer dictate that only the books and materials that serve a multicultural agenda will be freely available.

Schools, Colleges, and Universities that lie within a UCZ will be encourage to seek independence in every possible area, so that pupils and students receive a balanced education, rather than one that is mired in the dumbing down of political agenda’s. The focus will be shifted away from non-subjects towards the Core Educational Skills. High levels of attainment in the academic and technical disciplines will be the aim with a strong effort directed toward the pursuit of excellence in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, Medicine) subjects. The foundation for a resilient and healthy culture will be laid down, and set firmly in aspiring young minds. Teachers, parents and the local authority will work proudly in partnership, sewing the seed that assures us our birthright of a productive today, and a glorious tomorrow.

Adult education classes will be free and open to any person who wants to obtain more qualifications, learn a new skill, or broaden their minds and horizons through the medium of learning. Subjects will be tailored to demand but as in schools modern non-subjects such as feminist and gender studies will not be on offer.

Adult learning centres will offer open and free course to any person who wants to obtain new qualifications, brush up on, or learn a new skill, or broaden their minds and horizons through the medium of education. Empty modern non-subjects such as gender and feminist studies will not be in the curriculum, instead a broad range of useful and worthwhile courses, offering real world qualifications and benefits will be on offer.

There are many organisations that for years have encouraged children to grow and develop into proud and upstanding members of their communities. As children in make the journey to adulthood they will be given every encouragement and support to join these organisations and societies. Funding that once went to support feckless multicultural sham projects will be redirected into useful local schemes for the health and development of children and young people.


One of the many huge benefits of living in a UCZ will be the separation from remote and corrupt central government and much greater autonomy for the local authority. Local families will be fully represented in local decision making, and out of touch politicians and civil servants in Westminster and Whitehall will have no power to interfere in issues specific to local people.

Family Life in UCZs

It is true that the needs and wants of families varies according to circumstances, but there are some universal commonalities that matter to every family. In UCZS these common needs will be met in a style that will leave none without the basic requirements for a warm and prosperous family life.


This sad state of affairs damages community spirit, and costs taxpayers a great deal of money. It is a sad fact that many homes in the most beautiful and desirous locations are empty for most of the year, or let out by absentee landlords on short leases. It is true that second home ownership contributes very little to the local economy, and robs local people of the chance for a decent home in the area they were born and raised in, but it is a myth that all second homes are massive multi-bedroomed mansions. Many second homes are perfectly suitable for normal sized families, and young people who have not yet achieved their full earning potential. Second home ownership and absentee landlords will be discouraged and stamped out in UCZS by some some very simple measures.

Landlords that own property outside a UCZ but do not live in the area will be charged tax at Seventy Five percent of the gross income from the property.

Income from short leases will incur a tax liability of ninety percent of gross.

Second homes in UCZs will be placed in special “Absent Owner” council tax band that will charged at double the property’s value.

Any Absent Owner or Landlord will have the opportunity to join a Compulsory Community Purchase Scheme where their property can be purchased by the community at a Fair Market Value Assessment price.

Rents on public and privately owned property will be kept at parity and will remain affordable for people who live in the UCZ

No one will be allowed to purchase a home situated within a UCZs without first having resided in a rented property for a minimum of Five years.

People who arrive in the UK by illegal means and their families will not be eligible for housing in a UCZ.

The act of giving birth to a child will not automatically qualify you for a taxpayer funded home.


Households in UCZs day to day requirements will largely be the same as they are elsewhere. All the usual services and trades for daily living will be required. The difference will be in who provides them and how it is done. Locally owned business along with locally administered and efficient public services will provide where remote and expensive multi-nationals and private sector contractors have wrought costly failures. Public Services such as Health & Social Care, Public Transport, Amenities, and Utilities will be provided locally for local residents. Clean, cutting edge technologies will be the foundation of an efficient system that provides fulfilment and full employment.

Foreign Owned and Multinationals will not be permitted to set up businesses in UCZs and as with Absent Property Owners will be offered the opportunity to join the Compulsory Community Purchase Scheme. Locally owned business will be encouraged and supported to employ people that live within the UCZ and pay a full and fair living wage. It is intended that everyone who lives in a UCZ will earn enough to live a decent life and have disposable income to bolster the local economy. Local business employing local people will cut congestion and pollution, as well as travel to and from work costs. The generation and supply of clean abundant energy will be a major source of employment, as will the Hydro/Aeroponic food production that provides affordable and healthy food to local residents. High Street Banks will be eligible for the Compulsory Community Purchase Scheme as the need for them and their services will wane. Local Credit Unions and Saving Schemes will not risk their patrons money on domestic and foreign markets but will instead provide ethical Non-Fractional Reserve Financial Services to the community. Many other schemes unique to UCZs will also be providers of employment which is further outlined in the next section.

Public Services and Community Transport

Services and transport for the community will be provided, administered, and managed at the local level. Autonomy from central government in as many areas as possible is one of the Main Aims of the Cultural Resilience Movement. This will mean that only people that live in the local community will be employed in public services, providing further local job security. The MAGLEV Transportation System is one of many clean efficient technologies that can be used to transport people, goods, and waist from location to location. Imagine that once you have ordered your healthy, locally sourced groceries, they arrive at your doorstep, delivered by a clean transport system that also takes away, and recycles your household waste. That same system will also be able to take you swiftly and safely to and from your work and leisure activities. Traffic congestion makes us I’ll with pollution and stress, costs us valuable time and resources and blight our communities. In UCZs they will be a thing of the past. The MAGLEV and other clean technologies will be. among the mix of industries that will provide full employment.

Law & Order.

Cultural Resilience goes some considerable way to fostering a law abiding community spirit because within UCZs will be full and worthwhile employment for all. Local residents will feel very proud of their community and its achievements so there will be very little in the way of crime and antisocial behaviour. Security trained Community Wardens will be a constant presence in publicly owned open spaces and facilities. Crime may never actually become a thing of the past, but compared to multicultural hell holes, UCZs will be a pleasure to police.

UCZs will be quintessentially English in nature. Communities that are proud of their cultural identity. The happy and healthy people in a UniCultural Zone will feel fully engaged in their community and feel safe knowing that they are cared for by their neighbours and the local authority. Residents and visitors to UCZS will fully experience the joys of living in modern English communities that celebrate their heritage, and look to the future gladly, with confidence, and excitement.

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BREXIT, The First Glorious Victory of Many to Come, & A Gigantic First Step.

8 Oct


With the sound of victory ringing in our ears and the scent of freedom in the air, the sun is rising on a glorious future that is within the grasp of our warm live hands. Wether it was because of the “bat shit crazy” German Chancellor’s open invite to the entire Middle East and North Africa to come and rape our homelands, the imminent and inevitable Turkish membership and all its horrific consequences, bemusement at the meddling in our affairs by unelected, petty foreign bureaucrats, ever closer political integration by stealth, anger at continuing and ever increasing bailouts of lazy and feckless foreigners and their corrupt economies, disillusion with the failed EU experiment, or a combination of all these factors, the sane and patriotic English voters have said “Enough!”.

Insane regulations made by bungling dishonest foreign politicians can no longer stifle our national ambition. EU lawyers can no longer prevent us from deporting the terrorists and hate preachers that despise our country, our values, our way of life, our freedoms, and us. The days of our treasonous politicians spitting their contempt on the sacrifices made to keep our nation sovereign our over. Unelected EU commissioners forcing us to obey rules that favour foreign owned corporations over local enterprise will hold us to ransom no longer. We may now freely negotiate trade deals with whom we choose without deliberate and restrictive EU red tape constraining our efforts to prosper.

Our national steel industry once employed tens of thousands directly and hundreds of thousands through associated industries and supporting businesses. Those employees housed and fed their families while spending disposable income and paying taxes to vital public services, which also directly and indirectly employed hundreds of thousands of people assuring national stability and prosperity. Steel was needed to build and maintain powerful warships that were the envy of the world. Arms and equipment that made our military the most powerful and feared on the face of the earth depended on a burgeoning and highly efficient steel industry. This once proud industry and its workforce has been depleted into almost nothing by the restrictive regulation of a cowardly EU that erroneously believes having a weak military makes acts of foreign aggression less likely.

Railways used to connect almost every village to every town and city until the Oil industry, with the help of what was the called a Common Market, made competition impossible. Great Britain has more than enough potential energy in sustainable resources such as, Solar, Wind, Tidal, Geothermal to supply our industrial, transportation, and domestic needs cheaply and cleanly. Corrupt oil industry executives and their politician puppets know this to be true, but as they also control the media they can easily prevent the truth about energy ever becoming widely known.

A “Resource Based Economy” through the use of localised Hydroponics, Aeroponics, locally sourced renewable energy, and other cutting edge clean technologies is not only easily achievable it is essential. The days of wage slaves serving the Fractional Reserve Banking system have passed. We often see anti-capitalism protest and hear the vitriol of its adherents who believe things could be done differently and in altruistic fashion. These intentions while noble are folly, for we do not live in a true capitalist economy. Ours is a “Monetary Economy” that serves only to create debt by charging interest on the money it loans to the government that can never be repaid. A Resource Based economy that thrives on innovation, expertise and sustainable technologies is the only true Capitalist system, and it’s the best. Politicians cannot solve our nations problem’s because our problems our not political. The issues that restrict our growth as individuals, and as a nation are technical, and only Technicians can solve technical problems.

The world was once ours and it can be again. All we need to do is believe and start reaching.


Cultural Resilience. What is it & Why Must We Practice It.

8 Oct

Invasion columns of military age males stream across Europe’s porous borders daily and maritime infiltration forces land on the continents unprotected shores hourly. Many more arrive by invitation of weak and traitorous European Leaders, while native populations are brainwashed by the self-appointed commissars of the left to accept their own destruction. Bullied by insane social justice warriors that (SJW) ruin the life of those “racists” that question the wisdom of The Great Replacement (TGR), the doomed applaud the arrival of the hordes that will bring about their own demise


Robbery, rape, and murder against the native population is justified, and in many cases required in the mind of the invader. It is no coincidence that robbery and assaults, against women in particular, skyrocket in the areas where the colonisations take place. With polygamous practice and a sky high birth rate, their victory and our destruction is assured. Gentlemen now in bed in England, your daughters will marry them, your grandchildren will look like them, speak like them, and practice their Stone Age beliefs, unless you act now!



Law and Order

Colonised neighbourhoods very quickly become Police No Go Zones (PNGZ) because, as was proved with the Rotherham Child Abuse Scandal, any attempt to make the invaders abide by the laws of this country will be termed racist by the treasonous left wing establishment. With the hands of law enforcement tied, and a native population made forcibly complicit in its own destruction, right thinking men will need to take steps they thought they never would.


In Nineteen Ninety Six, in the biggest knee jerk over reaction in British history, private ownership of hand guns was made illegal and now only police and criminals use them. This unlawful ban removed a very useful means of protecting our mothers, wives, and daughters from home invasion, rape, murder, robbery, and crime on the streets. The Cultural Resilience Movement will seek to overturn this unconstitutional ban through political means and lawful protest.


Many people in this country and in the US are under the impression that private firearm ownership in England is illegal, this is incorrect https://www.gov.uk/shotgun-and-firearm-certificates. The Cultural Resilience Movement will form The English Rifle Association (ERA). Based along similar lines to its US counterpart the NRA (National Rifle Association), the ERA will lobby politicians on matters relating to private firearms issues for English citizens, and encourage responsible and effective firearms ownership for law abiding English people. The most effective government a country can have is one that respects and fears the people it governs. A government that does not fear the populace is a dictatorship.


The Royal Counties Militia


One sure sign of a government that seeks population replacement is rapid erosion of its armed forces. The United Kingdoms armed forces are unique in that it collectively owes its first allegiance to the non-political head of state, namely; Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth The Second. This remarkable constitutional monarchy is a guarantor of freedom and justice, and protection from tyranny. If a government no longer serves the needs of the electorate it is, by constitutional definition treasonous, and can be lawfully removed by withdrawal of Royal consent. The military is the organ of state to facilitate the return to democratic government and that is why the traitors in Westminster have consistently cut defence budgets. Our armed forces, that were once the envy of the world, have been humiliated by their unlawful orders to participate in wars of corporate interest, and having the ethos that made them what they once were deliberately polluted by the enforcing of effeminate left wing doctrines. This is no accident of progress. This is taking place so that the one force that could have once lawfully delivered us from the insidious treachery of our leaders is neutered.

Now that our constabulary have been cowed into fear of applying law to anyone other than Caucasians, and our once proud military has been rendered ineffective, the Cultural Resilience Movement will seek the establishment of County Militias under a Royal Warrant. Operating along the lines of the Royal and Ancient Yeomanries, this citizen army will serve to protect our families and property only. It will not be used in foreign conflict, and nor will it be used for civil policing. This force is purely to protect us when statutory agency’s no longer can. By encouraging effective private ownership of firearms and self discipline, the families of men in counties across the UK can, once again, know they have the right and the means to protect their loved ones and properties from home invasion, rampaging mobs, and illegal governance. The first duty of any government is to protect the people that elected it. Intentional failure of the first duty, through the introduction of swinging cuts to the defence budget by consecutive administrations, is the ultimate act of treason. This treason has also taken the power from our hands, by which, we might have brought them to account for their treachery.

UniCultural Zones


The Cultural Resilience Movement will seek to give local authorities the right to establish UniCultural Zones (UCZs). In these zones there will be no restrictions on movements or rights to reside. The use of buildings and open spaces for religious observance will be restricted to faiths that were an established presence in England prior to A.D. 1530 only.

The Cultural Resilience Movement does not seek to foment armed revolution, nor does it advocate vigilantism. It will seek to achieve its aims through legitimate political means such as lobbying, lawful protest, and rallies. Violent nationalist thugs have no place in the movement and any attempt to usurp our aims will not be tolerated. As a movement we seek the preservation of law and order, the protection of our loved ones and property, and of traditional English cultural values.

Long Live England. God Save The Queen. Arise StGeorge. Arthur Return.


So that is an explanation of what Cultural Resilience is and what The Cultural Resilience Movement stands for. As to why we must practice Cultural Resilience watch this short video.
